Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Great Unknown - You've never failed and You won't start now

The new Hillsong United song, Oceans (Where Feet May Fail), has been such a wonderful blessing to me lately! I only have 16 days until I leave for Seattle!! crazy! With much anticipation, I have been acquiring the last of my donations and starting to pack!

Surely, I have a one-page description of what I will be doing in Seattle, but I have no idea what GOD IS GOING TO DO! My prayer, not only for myself, but for the rest of my team, is these lyrics:

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters, wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger, in the presence of my Savior!"
This trip will be the longest time I have been out of the Midwest, my first flight without my family, my first time being to Washington, my first time leaving everyone that I know, and the first time talking to others about God with people I haven't even met yet (in person)! However fear-inducing these things may seem, I will not fear because I know that although I will be physically alone on the plane, God is always with His people. I will not fear because I know that His will is going to be done! My fears are so much smaller than the power of God! I am in His hands and this trip is more about bringing all the glory back to Him, not myself!

I cannot wait to share with you all what God is doing in Seattle this summer!

Lord, bless those who have been a blessing to me! Give them more than they have given me! Bless them in a way that they will know it could have only come from You! Prepare our ministry team with open hearts, obedient minds, and bless us with safe travels to Seattle. Prepare those hearts you have ready in Seattle to hear the Gospel and have a restored relationship with You. I want to pray for my friends on their mission trips, as well! Protect them and teach them more about depending on You and You alone! Let Your will be done in Seattle and in the hearts of many throughout the world! I pray these things in Your Son's holy and righteous name, Amen! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The little things!

I finished school last week and spent a lot of this past week reflecting on the semester and looking at all the things God has brought me through.  I realized quickly that instead of focusing on all the things I didn't have and all the friends that were no longer in the city with me, I could focus on the people who were around me.  I recognized this transitional time period is to be used to love people!

I spent my morning with a bunch of awesome one to four-year olds, playing, singing, and teaching them about Jesus!

Our story this week was about Nehemiah and building the wall to protect the town and the people.  Nehemiah not only wanted to help build the wall, but he lead other people to want to help build the wall too.

The children love love love knocking things down, so building a wall with blocks was extremely difficult.  However, overtime each child learned how to add a block to the top of the wall without knocking it down.  It was the little act of handing a block to their neighbor that demonstrated their cooperation and sharing capacity.

Each small block is necessary to complete the giant wall to protect the town.  It continually reminds me that each one of these children are important to God.  Each one was created just the way they are because God "knit them together before they were born" (Psalm 139:13).  Each one of them deserves to be told about God's love and shown God's love.  Jesus said to the people, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" (Mark 10:14).

I love being able to work with the children at my church because their wide-eyed smiles and laughter show the joy that God instills in each of us.  God uses so many people in the Bible who were considered poor, young, or unwise to show us that He accepts everyone just the way they are! And that true fullness of life comes from having a relationship with Him!

As the little ones said this morning, "I can help you, and you can help too!" We are all on this journey of life together, so slow yourself down for a minute and be like a child, eager to learn, excited about life, and willing to help others and accept help from others! We can help each other, just like Nehemiah and his friends!  It's the little things we do for each other that help build one another up and show how much we care about their presence in our lives.

I pray that you would be reminded of the people who have helped you along the way (including God) and that you would be able to see the people in your life who need you to show them your love and God's love! Shine His light and "love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31). All prayers in Jesus' name, Amen!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

follow the Leader!

"Where You go, I'll go! And where You stay, I'll stay! I will follow You!"

I have felt the Lord prompting my trip to Seattle for a year and a half now.  Most specifically, about a year ago when I heard a pastor speaking about two boys who sought refuge from a gun fight in the church.  These boys who had grown up knowing only the streets and gang life, were presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I knew that the youth of the city would forever be in my heart!

One of the boys received Jesus as His Savior, knowing that God loves him and has a plan for his life; his relationship with God was severed because of his selfish desires, which are sin; because God loves him so much, He sent His one and only Son to live among His people as a human, teach His people the way, be betrayed by His own people, and die for His people, in order to bridge the gap between His people (YOU!) and Himself.  He was restored and lifted from the depths of the gang life.

To accept that you are too weak to make it through this life on your own, that you make mistakes; to turn yourself in for the sins you've committed (whatever size they may be), and to fully accept the love of God: His mercy, grace, and love is to turn from the darkness of this world and embrace the fullness, joy, and peace offered by our Lord and Savior!  If this is something you've never heard before, or would like to talk about it more please email me:!

God has been seeking after you your whole life.  Think about it, you made it this far!  The God of the universe who rescued you from disease, isolation, depression, divorce, betrayal, abuse, neglect...loves you SO much that He wanted to save you from death, too!  When Jesus rose from the grave on the third day, He defeated death!  Our God wants to be your friend, so what are you waiting for...ask Him to show Himself.

Lord, I pray that you show those who don't know you or are seeking more of you, to reveal yourself to them.  I pray that they would see Jesus as their friend, who wants to restore them, but that they would recognize that restoration begins when we admit our faults and accept that they have been paid for on the cross.  I pray that they would see that when they enter into a relationship with Jesus, their sins are forgiven and you see them as clean, beautiful, glorious, righteous, and holy!  They are clothed in Christ's righteousness.  Oh God, pierce the hearts of your people and lead them to your goodness and grace.  I pray these prayers in your Son's holy and righteous name, AMEN!